Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Certified IIN Health Coach, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Recipe Developer, and Blogger behind Goodie Goodie Gluten-Free®
Clean Eating | Wellness | Soul | Gluten-Free
"Every person is different, and requires a different kind of healing".
Hello lovely soul,
Welcome to my blog, I'm Julie! Goodie Goodie Gluten-Free® is a wellness website that is devoted to gluten-free clean eating, and gluten-free recipes. Our recipes are always dairy-free, egg-free, and nut-free, often vegan, and usually refined sugar-free. Everything you see here is plant-forward, gluten-free, and always delicious.
I founded my blog Goodie Goodie Gluten-Free® in 2010 after years of leading the Celiac disease foodie life and having no one to talk to about it, desiring a community to feel connected. Years later I developed many chronic health conditions such as SIBO, gut dysbiosis, Leaky Gut, high cortisol levels, insomnia, acne, hair loss, and about 30+ food sensitivities, all the while attending the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2014. Going back to school for nutrition created the healer in me, and I decided to take my little celiac gluten-free food blog to the next level. The rebrand was to make the blog health-focused. I started creating healthy eats, and sweets using clean wholesome ingredients that I could eat with this new way of living, and I found out life could be delicious again.
While in Nutrition school (IIN) I started to hone in on changing the way I ate and approached a healthier lifestyle and dove into clean eating, raw foods, smoothies, and healthy vegan treats. In 2014, I spent 7 months on the Whole 30 diet to reduce chronic inflammation and get to the root causes of my chronic conditions beyond Celiac Disease that Western Medicine could not fix (doctor's orders). I stayed on the Paleo diet for many years and even tried other elimination diets along the way. I learned so much during this time because I was going through all of the hardships that lifestyle transitions can create. Instead of looking in from the outside, I was dealing with every single bump and triumph that healing threw at me. I am still healing. Throughout my 10+ years of chronic health conditions, and celiac, the decision to incorporate holistic and spiritual practices into my life was a blessing! And it still is to this day.
While I don't follow a strict Whole 30 diet now, I incorporate many of the Paleo principles along with core principles from other diets like the low-Fodmap diet, whole foods diet, and vegan diet, and implement them into my current way of eating. I now have an understanding that how we live and what we eat can change everything.
My Mission
My mission is to show you how to live a delicious gluten-free, dairy-free, free-from life, by dishing up deliciously clean eats and treat recipes, and transformational spiritual tools to help you create a lifestyle you love.
Lifestyle transitions can be really difficult especially when the changes have to occur fast to help heal your body from chronic health conditions and Autoimmune Diseases. What I am here to do is support you through this process so you can fall back in love with your lifestyle and live your fullest vibrant life filled with vitality. I want to support you because I have been there and I know exactly what it feels like to be lost on this wellness journey.
I believe there is always a way to feel better for every one of us, even if we haven't found that golden solution yet. Healing takes time, and it is not linear.
I am hoping that my journey inspires you to find your way in this world despite your limitations while thriving and living a life beyond your wildest dreams.
The Recipes
You may notice that all of my recipes are gluten-free and special diet-friendly, while most are also plant-based. Specifically, my recipes are gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free, egg-free, soy-free, and mostly nut-free. This is for 4 reasons:
- I have Celiac Disease and therefore eat gluten-free for my health.
- In the last decade-plus years, I developed several severe food sensitivities due to Leaky Gut including but not limited to dairy, eggs, soy, most nuts/seeds, banana, pineapple, broccoli, walnuts, ginger, eggplant, and about 15 others. You will find that my recipes are free of what I cannot consume.
- Because of my food sensitivities, I got creative and started experimenting with plant-based, and vegan baking instead of feeling like I couldn't enjoy anything. After all, I do have a very large sweet tooth! And now I LOVE creating this way, I find vegan baking to be an extremely creative process. The idea of vegan anything started in 2013 and has flourished ever since.
- No, I am not a vegan or a vegetarian. I stopped dairy in 2013. And eggs completely in 2016.
- In general, I think everyone can benefit from adding more whole foods and plants to their diet. Whole foods and plants feed our mind, body, and soul and that's why I promote the message of clean eating, especially in the gluten-free community.
My Awakening
My journey has been a rocky one, but I'm willing to bet most awakenings are. I used to be a gluten-free sugarholic party girl while working in the Manhattan fashion industry as a Women's Fashion Designer and by night a Celiac Food Blogger. When I wasn't working, I partied a little too hard, had one too many dirty martinis, and more than my quota of gluten-free cupcakes, designer handbags, and Jimmy Choo's. I burnt myself out in the process. The concept of self-care and self-love was so foreign to me and the furthest thing from my mind, except for remaining gluten-free after my 2006 Celiac Disease diagnosis.
But guess what?! I wouldn't trade those experiences for the world! There was a time in my life when I enjoyed that type of lifestyle and I believe it was all part of the self-discovery journey I was meant to experience. However, I did have to wake up and look at the way I was living my life, the way I was eating, and the way I was taking care of myself because I started to develop chronic health conditions on top of Celiac Disease that took my world by storm. And this forced me to look at my life from a different angle. When I did, I chose to create a space filled with self-love, spiritual self-care, and healthful living so I could heal my body. And I learned that this is not a quick fix, but a lifestyle choice.
This is why I gave Goodie Goodie Gluten-Free® a complete makeover with a (dot) com. I used to have my blog on Blogspot (dot) com. Lastly, we are finally trademarked! A lot has changed and I wanted my site to reflect the changes that I have created in my life. I kept the same name because whole foods, healthy gluten-free living, clean eating, spiritual self-care, and self-love are also goodies- just a different kind.
My gluten-free story
During the first 7 years of my Celiac diagnosis, I would have told you I healed myself through the gluten-free diet. But after 7 years, I suddenly developed a multitude of mysterious symptoms. Full-body chronic inflammation in the form of hair loss, brain fog, rashes, digestive issues, severe vitamin deficiencies, allergies, sensitivities, Anemia, nutrition malabsorption, Seborrheic Dermatitis (on my scalp! Say goodbye to highlights! - Hello Greys!), muscle spasms, acid reflux, insomnia, adult acne, rosacea, and migraines to name a few. My immune system crashed! My whole world came crashing down on me. And what felt like the darkest time of my life became the beginning of my transformation.
Coincidently, I was already enrolled at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. And despite what was happening to me medically and emotionally, I devoted myself to studying Holistic Nutrition, Eastern Medicine, spiritual self-care, and healthy eating which all play a major role in mind/body healing. I learned that there is a big difference between eating a gluten-free diet and living a healthy, clean processed-free gluten-free lifestyle. But by the time I tried to adopt this, my body was too compromised to reap any benefits, and Western Medicine could only take me so far.
Thankfully, while studying holistic nutrition, I was guided toward Integrative Functional Medical Doctors who focus on treating the root cause of illness rather than just the symptoms. My first prescription was the Whole 30 Paleo diet plus eliminating high-sugar fruits and overnight I eliminated what felt like everything! Processed foods (which even meant anything in a bag that had more than 3-5 approved ingredients), alcohol, wine, coffee, white potatoes, corn, refined sugar, and natural sugar except low fructose fruits, all grains, soy, legumes, peanuts and dairy on top of my already gluten-free diet - hoping this would heal me. With the diet came rounds and rounds of herbal supplements to heal a yeast overgrowth in my intestine, which was believed to be my underlying root cause.
But, like the gluten-free diet, the Paleo diet worked...at first. Within a few short months, everything seemed to correct itself, except the acne, but I was still ecstatic! But then at the 4-month marker, all of my progress plummeted, and I developed new complications like more vitamin deficiencies, inflammatory cystic acne that was so bad I considered acne medication (and even went on it for a bit), and food sensitivities that caused a left side facial numbing reaction to almost 80 percent of what I ate regularly. I began to fear food. Every food that caused this reaction, I avoided like the plague (and that list was long). I was petrified to even re-introduce these foods in fear that these reactions would persist and escalate. I was so devastated, stressed out, and frustrated.
But, I didn't give up. I couldn't give up because there was no going back. I knew I couldn't go back to my old lifestyle with so many food sensitivities and health issues. The only way out was forward. So I went through every medical test possible, every specialist including a Homeopath and The Mayo Clinic. My life was spent at the doctor's office. I began to understand that like everything else, this experience is also a journey, and finding the right way to heal takes time.
With the help of my current Integrative Functional Doctor (#15, 2nd Integrative M.D.), I began to try other elimination diets focusing on whole foods with a gluten-free base to regain some of the balance my body lost. After years of medical mysteries and many different types of testing and misdiagnosis, I was finally diagnosed with 4 different types of intestinal bacterial overgrowths, SIBO (which became chronic), 2 yeast overgrowths in my intestine (similar to Candida), chronic high cortisol levels (stress/fight or flight hormone), neurotransmitter deficiencies, multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies, high mercury levels, high oxidative stress, Leaky Gut and over 40 food sensitivities! And that was just from one doctor! This was on top of Celiac Disease, on top of Cystic Acne, and top of Telogen Effluvium (a form of non-scarring hair loss). Oddly I felt so relieved by this diagnosis because at least I had some answers as to why I was feeling the way I felt!! But boy, was my body a mess!
For the answers I didn't have, I leaned on the Mayo Clinic (in Minnesota). I spent two weeks in July of 2015 getting a variety of testing done from brain MRIs to blood work and everything in between. The Mayo Clinic focuses on a Western perspective, which I have come to learn has its perks. I thoroughly enjoyed being a team player when I met with these doctors and discussed possible solutions and healing perspectives. The best experiences are when we partake, ask questions, and discuss together what is going on, rather than sitting back and just letting the doctors talk. My biggest takeaway from the Mayo Clinic was the importance of the Stress Factor. We downplay stress as if it has no bearing on each of our situations, but the truth is, is that Stress can kill and destroy our bodies and trigger symptoms or drive symptoms to exasperate. We can say that certain types of stress never affected us before, but as we age our bodies change. Stress causes anxiety. Anxiety drives Cortisol. Cortisol increases inflammation and causes chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation wreaks havoc on your body and your mind.
At the beginning of 2016, I decided to go for Chemical Allergy testing. I was recommended to a dermatologist who specialized in allergy testing for common ingredients found in the cosmetic industry. It took 4 recommendations for me to realize that chemical allergy testing was necessary. At first, I thought it was only food and environmental allergies that plagued me, and that I didn't need chemical testing. But as time progressed, I took the plunge and decided it was necessary. When you have to eliminate almost all makeup and have a fear of trying new makeup brands, soaps, body lotions, and shampoos, it's time to take MORE action. You see I would get the same reactions to cosmetics that I got from food! And I discovered that I had 6 chemical allergies that were in almost everything I put on my body.
I did a panel of about 150 chemical allergens strapped to my back for a week in two rounds. I lived on Benadryl for both rounds, and I had terrible reactions to my skin and throat. I was an itchy zombie in April 2016. I was honestly surprised I was able to be so fearless in tackling this experience head-on with the reactions I had been living with for so long, but the upside was that it broke the fear of trying new things. Before this testing, I was too afraid to try new foods, new products, or anything. I finally stopped carrying around my Epi-Pen understanding that my reactions never escalate to anaphylaxis. But I still carry Benadryl everywhere I go.
My quest for healing has not stopped. Even though we have gotten to the bottom of many of my chronic conditions, I still have to manage them, so I still see some doctors. I am consistently finding ways to aid in my healing spiritually, holistically, and nutritionally. I learned from Neurologist #3 at the Celiac Center in Manhattan that I have Trigeminal nerve damage on the left side of my face derived from a flu virus back in 2014 that fluctuated with my cortisol levels, and the food and chemical sensitivities I have triggered the facial nerve to react as part of my allergic reaction. The reaction creates a swelling and numbing feeling, but I can't see any distortion in my face, I only feel it. The numbing feeling extends to under my eye, my jaw, my ear, my neck, and the left side of my tongue and gland. This experience which started in February 2014 has brought me down on my meditation mat in tears because the feeling of a reaction I cannot control has been a nightmare. It's this experience in conjunction with everything else, that I learned the art of surrender. And in the act of surrender, I found spiritual healing and spiritual self-care.
As of November 2018, I thought I was about 90% healed, and what I learned was that chronic health conditions, chronic illness, and autoimmune diseases need to be managed every single day. It is a lifestyle. And now as of August 2022, I can say my healing, and how I manage my conditions came from the immense work I did on myself with the help of other doctors, teachers, and gurus.
In the last decade years, I adopted a spiritual practice to support my healing process because I became aware of the mind/body connection. Hello meditation, acupuncture, yoga, Reiki-blessed healings, energy healings, angel readings, tarot readings, and teachings from my spiritual Gurus: Gabrielle Bernstein, Kris Carr, Radleigh Valentine, Abraham Hicks, and Deepak Chopra. I have always been a deeply passionate partner in my healing, but developing my spiritual practice is giving me the tools to seek gratitude in this transformational journey that continues to this very day! Spiritual self-help has been my rock and without it, I don't know where I would be. The art of surrendering in itself has been a transformational experience that has given me the ability to move forward, and when I feel stuck, this journey teaches me on countless days how to move from that place more easily.
Lastly, In 2022, I completed the Holistic Nutritionist Certification from AFPA in plant-based living because I feel so deeply passionate about plant-based foods being more incorporated into our diets.
So I will say this! There have been times and there will be more when I want to give up. Healing is a process and it takes time, patience, compassion, and self-care. We have to manage our health daily. Healing is not a straight line. There are setbacks. Good health is essential to a happy life and is the key ingredient. Diet matters. What you think of yourself matters. The Universe has tested my strength in ways I never thought possible. From this experience my creativity has soared, my love for developing recipes free of so many ingredients has blossomed and I LOVE talking to other people and helping them move through their wellness-related, energetic roadblocks. Spirituality and self-care have been two of the most supporting factors in my life to this day. This healing process has made me smarter, stronger, more loving, more compassionate, and more determined to serve others.
What I Have Learned...For Now
- Accept where you are and use it as a starting point
- Surrender to your process
- There are pros and cons to both Eastern and Western Medicine
- Our bodies thrive on moderation, not excess
- Healthy excess can also cause problems
- Not all "healthy" trends or "healthy" products are right for YOUR body
- At any time in our lives, we can develop allergies or sensitivities from overeating any food
- Chronic stress is a game-changer in a negative way
- Leaky Gut can cause food sensitivities that are not always permanent - Leaky gut can be chronic
- Always trust what your body tells you
- Listen to your body
- Don't downplay the role of stress, it has the power to destroy your body
- A self-care practice is essential for lowering Cortisol and stress levels
- A spiritual practice changes your perspective and provides hope and an abundance of support
- Meditation is mandatory
- If you don't like your doctor, get a new one - It is that easy
- Be a team player in your healing! Always ask questions and have conversations with your doctors. Do not just sit back and let the doctors do all the talking. If you are questioning something, question it, and then talk about it as well as other options
- Always ask for a copy of your test results, vitamin panels, and any other result that comes on paper or a C.D. (like x-rays). You need to educate yourself, rather than be told
- Work towards self-love and self-care no matter what
- Let your body guide you
- Breakout and dance sometimes!
- Sometimes our stressors speak through our bodies - It's so important to listen and then take action
- Heal yourself from within
- There is always a way!
- Learn to love yourself, despite your flaws
- Be grateful for the people who support and love you
- Be kind to yourself
- Always trust your instincts, they are your guides
- Negative thoughts breed a negative life
- Healthy is sexy
- Happiness is sexy
- Never give up!
- You are stronger than you think - You are a warrior!
- You can always start again
- Managing chronic health conditions, chronic illness, and autoimmune diseases healthfully is a lifestyle and requires a daily commitment
My most recent training was receiving my certification in Holistic nutrition from AFPA. This program trains nutrition professionals to heal from a plant-based diet. I also trained at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City studying over 100 dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and Eastern and Western nutrition. The school is led by experts in the field of health and wellness including Dr. Andrew Weil, Geneen Roth, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. David Katz, Dr. John Doulliard, Dr. Mark Hyman, and David Wolfe amongst many others. I also trained under spiritual leaders Gabrielle Bernstein, Ra Goddess, Doreen Virtue, and Radleigh Valentine. My education has equipped me with extensive knowledge of holistic health and nutrition, spiritualistic practices, coaching, and preventative care.
15 CEU Credits for Certified Holistic Nutritionist Renewal of Certification | AFPA | 2024
Certified Holistic Nutritionist | AFPA | NYC | 2022
Certificate in Holistic Health Coaching | Purchase College, SUNY | New York
Certified Holistic Health Coach | Institute for Integrative Nutrition | NYC
Health Coaching Graduate Program | Immersion | Institute for Integrative Nutrition | NYC
Bachelor of Science | Syracuse University | Syracuse, NY
American Association of Drugless Practitioners, AADP
Spirit Junkie Masterclass, Level 1 & 2 | Spiritual Coaching, Meditation | Gabrielle Bernstein | Massachusettes & NYC
Certified Angel Tarot Reader | Radleigh Valentine | Hay House University | NYC
Tap That, Level 1 | EFT Tapping | Gala Darling | NYC
B-School with Marie Forleo | Business Training for Creative Entrepreneurs | NYC
Certified Angel Card Reader™ | Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine | Hay House University | NYC
last updated August 2024