It's not a matter of finding your light, as your light is ALWAYS within you. It's a matter of SEEING it. But sometimes we can't see our own light because it's too foggy, so we doubt faith. We can't see ahead, past the darkness, past the trees in the forest, past the sand storm in the desert. But our light is still there. It's often hard to see the light and believe in our light when we overwhelm ourselves and pile on the tasks. But the more we pile it on in hopes to see our life unfold faster, the more we don't. And the more we overwhelm ourselves, the less light we are able to see. As my Guru Gabby Bernstein once said, "It is small shifts that create big ones".
But often our ego gets in the way - wanting it all now and not wanting to go with the flow and enjoy the ride. Our ego's want fame, fortune and success now as there is no time to waste! So we overwhelm ourselves and pile it on leaving no crack of light able to shine through and then get so burnt out we wonder why we can't see if our future is bright, and we can't even see our own light.
As powerful and luring as the darkness can be, you have the power to turn your perspective around, with the light you have within.
"But, where do I get this light? What are you talking about anyways? What light?"
You have the ability to turn your negatives into positives. You have the ability to flip the switch, change your mind, and practice self-loving tools that will shift your perception. You just have to want to.
The moment your perception shifts, even with the smallest move, you will start to see things in this world differently. Seeing your light gives you the ability to turn darkness into light, hate into love, sadness into understanding, frustration into nurturing. Your light equals your love. And the more you develop your light, the deeper you develop your self-love. And on a lower scale teaches you to have faith in the Universe. Faith that the Universe is supporting you, helping you see your light and teaching you. A late subway, a long Starbucks line, sitting in the doctor's office for way too long, sitting in traffic, that guy that stands you up, breaks your heart, doesn't call, the job you didn't get, the job you did get...all become not missed opportunities but actual opportunities for you. But the only way to see the magic I am explaining to you right here, this very moment is to find your light within yourself and use it to shift your perception.
I am going to share with you 3 tools to help you see your light and shift your perception, so you can turn your smalls shifts into big shifts and be the happiest, beautiful you at the same time.
Schedule an Angel Card Reading. Angel Cards provide the support and guidance you can't see. Archangel's pull your energies during a session and the cards that are drawn were meant for you. The Archangels are here to support you and want you to understand you are always guided. The cards chosen will resonate with you on a deeper soul level. You will get to converse with your Angels and receive guidance, clarity, and support. Angels will let you know what you need to concentrate on and will give you a peak into what you cannot see, and a peak into the light you hold within through oracle cards and messages. Click HERE to schedule an Angel Card Intuitive Reading.
Positive Affirmation Cards - Who would have thought that reading, writing or saying out loud, positive affirmations on a daily basis could turn your perspective around? Turn your negatives into positives? Turn your tears into smiles? Turn your idle into actions? Turn your sadness into comfort. It's like magic. Affirmations are meant to make you feel good and empower you. They are also meant to challenge you and let you know that the Universe supports you. It's a really beautiful thing to realize that you ARE supported by something so much bigger out there in the world, beyond your family, beyond your friends, beyond anything tangible. There are many ways to find positive affirmations:
- Creating a Pinterest Board and only saving quotes and positive affirmations, so when you are down and out or feeling a little off path, you can go back to your board and let it inspire you.
- Follow inspiring people on Instagram that post nothing but positive affirmations and inspirational thoughts to motivate you while on your journey.
- But my favorite of all is actually buying positive affirmation cards and pulling a card daily, or weekly or even hourly to get you through whatever it is that you need to get through. The ones I choose that I resonate I will often keep them on my dresser or by my night table, or tape them on my mirror, so when I'm getting dressed in the morning, I don't forget that the Universe has my back, and that I am fully supported. These cards are reminders. My two favorite positive affirmation decks are by Kris Carr and Gabby Bernstein. Kris Carr's Affirmation deck is called Love Notes. Kris is a Stage IV Terminal Cancer Survivor and creator of Crazy Sexy Wellness and Gabby Bernstein's Affirmation deck is called Miracles Now Affirmation Deck . Gabby Bernstein is a New York Time's Best Selling Spiritual Self-Help Guru, Speaker, Vlogger and created the Spirit Junkie Masterclass Workshop. Both of these ladies are beyond empowering, and have really helped me on my journey, and I think they will help you!
Sleeping and Dreams - A sleep practice your most important spiritual practice. Our bodies need time to rest so we can fulfill our daily tasks and prepare our future ones. Inspiration needs sleep. Sleep is fuel. And dreams give you key signs and symbols that unfold in your waking life. In dreams we work subconsciously work out our issues by creating scenarios in our dreams we can't work out in our waking life. Dreams give us symbols that appear over and over again until we understand them and work them out in our conscious life. One of my favorite rituals for sleep is journaling. Journaling at night before bed and get all of your worries out on paper that way when you try and go to sleep you do not ruminate or stew about what you cannot change at the moment change.
Love and Light,
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