An easy 5-ingredient juice recipe that includes arugula, parsley, grapefruit, lime, and hemp seeds. Full of powerful nutrients and a deliciously mild, flavorful taste. Naturally gluten-free, vegan, and whole 30 compliant.
I would recommend this Arugula, Parsley Green Juice for any newbie green drinker! You are getting a power punch of nutrients with a deliciously mild taste!
While arugula is usually more bitter and spicy than most greens, in this juice it is mild in taste.
Don't let the name get you, friends, this Arugula Parsley Green Juice Recipe is so refreshing! I wish I could tell you I mapped out this recipe, that it was planned but it wasn't at all. I made it up entirely after visiting the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota back in July 2015. I was getting tested for just about everything and I needed to make some green juices for "on the go" since the Mayo Clinic looked like a huge college campus and there was a lot of walking.
Since I didn't find even one organic green juice spot I quickly realized I'd be making a trip to their market called The People's Co-Op which was similar to Whole Foods to get my greens. And it was the best market I have ever been to. They had every allergy, and every intolerance covered. The number of organic foods and gluten-free foods that were healthy was astonishing. Everything was so easy to find! This is where I first discovered the beauty of microgreens. In particular I tried arugula microgreens.
- Microgreens are micro in size of their mama greens but pack double the nutritional value.
- Often seen as a garnish with many chefs and fancy restaurants they can be used for anything from juicing to greens in your salad, to a garnish, adding them to smoothies, burger buns, as pizza toppings, and more.
- Microgreens are extremely bitter, strong in flavor, and can overpower any other green unless used correctly.
- Ideal for keeping your bones strong and healthy.
- Carries a lower amount of oxalates so you can absorb your calcium (an overload of oxalates can prevent your body from absorbing calcium which is detrimental for people with Celiac disease).
- Not seasonal and available all year round.
- Full of nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and calcium.
- More calcium than spinach.
- While they are both arugula, microgreens tase differently, look different, and carry more nutrients.
- Arugula is large and comes in bunches and does not fare well in juices or smoothies.
- Arugula microgreens are tiny in size and do fare well in smoothies and juices while offering double the nutritional value.
- Arugula is grown differently than Arugula microgreens.
- Usually, arugula is used as a salad green, as a side dish, in various meals while microgreens are often used as a garnish or a decorative layer in meal presentation.
- The nutrients are similar but microgreens pack a double punch in nutrients.
- The taller microgreens grow the less bitter they are, while arugula tastes the same no matter what length.
- Microgreens look like tiny little sprouts.
- Sprouts contain a lucrative amount of digestive enzymes.
- Arugula microgreens digest themselves, allowing your body to concentrate on digesting other foods without overload.
- Overall the differences are vast in flavor, taste, how they are grown, where they are grown, nutrient value, and look.
Learning about microgreens greatly intrigued me. I had never seen them before. They looked like little sprouts and came in plastic containers. Up until that day in 2015 I couldn't even bear to add arugula to my smoothies or juices because I felt the flavor was too strong, way too spicy and bitter. Even just a small amount would overpower any drink I made until I found microgreens. I was forever changed, my palate was forever changed and the number of plant nutrients that went into my body was drastically changed.
From there I grabbed some Italian Parsley, as Parsley was a new add back into my diet after it is a food sensitivity for over a year. And I had to grab some lime which was another newbie add, and Grapefruit because any green juice tastes amazing when cut with Grapefruit.
Since we were staying in a hotel I only had access to a bathroom sink, sans kitchen supplies. So I bought one of those tin turkey basting pans at the market to wash my greens in, and plenty of paper towels. I always travel with my Nutribullet, and a nut-milk bag for making homemade milk and juices so I had those kitchen items, and lucky for me my mom happened to have a ¼ cup measuring cup that went with her dry gluten-free oatmeal, so I had that to work with. I was really roughing it! But fully making it work because my body needed it.
I used my magical eye to gauge the amounts of the greens. I used an overly large handful of the Italian Parsley (no stems), and then a smaller handful of the Arugula Microgreens, already knowing that green was a stronger green, about 2 large wedges of the grapefruit and a thick wedge of the lime.
Ahhh. My masterpiece was TOO strong. Darn strong Arugula! What to do? What to add? I grabbed the Hemp seeds that I never travel without and my juice recipe was perfection.
The second time I made this masterpiece, I added 1 small donut peach with the skin to make it sweeter for those sweeter juice days.
The hemp seeds really cut the flavor and turned the juice a milky green color. The hemp seeds actually made all the difference. My mom, who is not the biggest green juice fan fell in love with this juice, as did I. And I owe it all to the hemp seeds. Hemp seeds provide a light nutty-flavor and also create milkier juices that can balance out flavors.
- Considered a superfood because hemp seeds offer a complete source of plant-based protein,.
- It contains essential fatty acids.
- Loaded with iron and natural CBD, plus many minerals and vitamins.
- A seed that is considered more alkaline than any other nut or seed.
- Used as an anti-inflammatory food.
- Parsley on the other hand has more vitamin C than an entire citrus fruit!
- Just a small sprig of Parsley provides all the vitamin C you need per daily serving.
- Rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K.
- Known as a liver detoxifier.
- Considered a bitter and excellent for digestion or an upset stomach.
Looking for an arugula free green juice? Try these delicious green juice recipes!
Ready to make beautiful music together?
Arugula Parsley Green Juice
- high-speed blender
- nut-milk bag or cheese cloth
- 1 medium-sized handful arugula microgreens sprouted
- 1 large handful Italian parsley
- 2 medium-sized wedges grapefruit no rind
- 1 quarter lime no rind
- 2 tablespoon hemp seeds organic
- 2 ½ cups spring water
- ⅓ cup donut peach optional for sweetness
- 2 handfuls ice cubes
- Blast on high all ingredients together except the ice in a high-speed blender till well blended.
- Using a Nut-milk bag over a large bowl, pour the juice mixture into the nut-milk bag and strain the juice into the bowl. Discard pulp in bag.
- Add ice and serve.
- Only use the peach if you want a sweet juice.
Love and Arugula Parsley Green Juice!
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