A spiritual training that opens up your soul to the presence that you are here for so much more then you realize. You have a purpose. Gabby Bernstein can help you move through it and shine brighter!!
It's 1:15 on Friday night, and I have decided I don't wanna go to bed, I want to write a blog post on my 2nd Spirit Junkie Masterclass. This is really unlike me. I'm trying to create a good sleep practice, but I feel such a strong pull to write this, so here I am.
It's been almost 2 weeks since Masterclass and I haven't touched my notes. I haven't even looked. I couldn't bring myself to go there because the actual Masterclass was so intense for me. I uncovered blocks I didn't think I still even had! I realized I had other blocks around other things, that really are blocking me. I realized a lot about myself, actually more then I thought would unfold, and I recall saying that I was like an onion and I shed quite a few layers that weekend. I also kept my sunglasses on the whole time, because I was a crying mess. A good crying mess though. A really good crying mess. Shedding tears of childhood blocks, adult blocks, transition, hope and perseverance. It was heavy!
Then tonight was the perfect "in" night to finish all those random pesky chores like paying bills, filing, filing out medical insurance submits (out of network doctors), getting last minute Father's Day presents, dishes, making homemade dinner, writing a blog post, doing a little food photography and what would a night be without an Amazon order? I mean seriously. So that's what I did, and it totally flowed.
That's when I decided to take a look at my personal notes. And MAN, do I have notes! Then I wrote half this post and left it for another two weeks! So now it's been a month!! But here I am again aching to get this post out to all of you, especially since Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital is starting.
My intention with listing all the quotes I loved is that this will sway you in some way, move you to move through your own blocks or at least recognize that they are there. I'm hoping that by being ridiculously vulnerable with you, it will help you realize that Gabby's work can influence you so greatly in your life, that maybe it's worth a look.
Recently someone on the street asked me who Gabby Bernstein was. I said she is a spiritual activist & NYT Best Selling Author of 4 books and is a motivation speaker teaching a spiritual training. The woman then said, "Is it non-denominational?"
BECAUSE I am NOT a religious person I had no idea what that meant, which basically answered her question immediately. So let me be clear, Gabby's work is not about religion. Gabby's work is more about spiritual growth and using that in your spiritual business or spiritual awakening. Gabby's work is about working in tandem with the Universe and realizing how much MORE you can be. Her work is about showing you that you can have more, be more, do more or even do less with the perspective that The Universe Has Your Back (Gabby's latest book, where she shares her most vulnerable and authentic stories) and the practices she teaches are priceless. Priceless!
Friday - SJMC LIVE June 2017 - Day 1
"F-it. Let's go!".
How to dissolve comparison with appreciation:
I appreciate that they are showing me what I want for myself.
(my notes: for me this was a huge game changer! It was one day months ago I decided to always support the people in my community and show gratitude for each of them in my life instead of wondering why they were more successful then me, or why I wasn't "there" yet. And in that changed so much. By showing my love for their work, it propelled me forward and it got me to stop the OCD Hampster wheel of comparison.)
"You are absolutely perfect as you are today".
"You are going through what you will be teaching".
"The moment you say Yes, I'm ready to be a teacher is when the clients come and the path opens up or flourishes".
Say it with me:
"I am ready to learn what it means to stand in my authentic power".
"We don't have time for this old story anymore".
(My notes: Guys, this is about playing small or being less then you are capable of or want because of an old story filled with fear that you can change.)
"Let's be humble and just receive". --- One of my favs!
"Give yourself permission to transition". --- Another serious fav!
"There is no rush".
"Dissolve your resistance to go big". --- One we should all work on because we are all so capable of so many great things!
"When you carry a specific story other people see that story. Aim to feel good. Combat with feel good emotions".
"Are you going to dissolve this resistance with love?"
"Don't be afraid to share your story". --- So important in order to do this work!
"Keep creating momentum".
"Ride the waves, feel the greatness".
"There are different seasons of spiritual growth". --- Another fav!
"We resist stillness even though it's what we need the most". --- My notes: Some seasons we hibernate, while others we are out in the world sharing our light. It changes. So when you feel the need to retreat, listen. It's part of this process too.
"Be a presence of love to anyone going through trauma". --- Love this too!
"You've received an invitation to step in". --- Serious fav!
"Your wounds are your wisdom". --- So true, speaking from experience!
"When something ends you are receiving a call". --- A true perspective changer.
Rha Goddess in the house!
Saturday - SJMC LIVE June 2017 - Day 2
"Honor your wounds. Honor your story. Be empowered by it". --- Fav!
"Step into the darkness so you can step into the light". --- Fav!
"You cannot transcend into the new story if you don't release YOUR old story". --- Empowering and super fav!
"We are a brand new story but we can't be that until we are willing to look at our old stories - and not as a victim or in a victim mentality". --- Fav!
"Look closely to what lives under the wounds. It's how you dissolve them". --- Fav, fav!
"Have the willingness to face your shame and sit with it". --- Game changer!
Recognize Alignment vs. Out of Alignment:
- Bliss
- Free
- Effortless
- Continuum
- Relaxed
- Flow
Out Of Alignment:
- Jaw clenching
- Anxious
- Muscle pain
"We should be grateful for our wounds and shadows. Without them we wouldn't know there was something to heal". --- Another serious fav!
"Affirm now who you want to be and how you want to feel". --- Serious hearts here
"Live to tell".
"You are a survivor".
"Your wounds are your wisdom".
"Often it's your deepest pain that Grows you into your highest self". --- Next Level love!
"Notice when you get triggered. Honor and recognize that shame is a trigger".
"It's really in the freedom that God can work with you".
"If you are pushing you are resisting. And God can't work with you here. It blocks energies". --- Fav!
"If you don't like the vibration you are in, you can always choose again".
I loved that we all received a copy of this list amazing list from Abraham Hicks called The Emotional Guidance Scale and here's how it works. Abraham-Hicks has come up with a series of emotions that will help you work from feeling bad to feeling better about whatever you are experiencing. If you find where you are emotionally on the scale, and then try and find thoughts that feel just a tad bit better about it. Small baby steps toward Joy.
- Joy/Appreciation/Empowered/Freedom/Love
- Passion
- Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
- Positive Expectation/Belief
- Optimism
- Hopefulness
- Contentment
- Boredom
- Pessimism
- Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
- Overwhelm
- Disappointment
- Doubt
- Worry
- Blame
- Discouragement
- Anger
- Revenge
- Hatred/Rage
- Jealousy
- Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
- Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness
From the book "Ask and It Is Given", pg. 114
The idea is to talk our resistance down. Talk ourselves to another vibration.
"Congratulate your really small steps, they are fucking huge". --- Fav!
"Use your tools and be gentle with yourself". --- Fav!
Reach for vibration realistically:
"When you changed your vibration you shifted forward". --- Fav reminder!
"How do you want to perceive your life?"
"There is a call for vulnerability and leadership, but honor the space you are in and also have fun!" --- YES!!
"Vibrations can shift automatically when you lean towards joy". --- Another fav reminder!
"BIG milestones are every movement you make forward". --- Such a fav!
"Never underestimate the power of your presence". --- Quotes like these make me go hmmmm!
"The places that scare us are the places that heal us if we are willing to look at it". --- So powerful!
Self - Care Tool Box - What should I prescribe today and pull from your tool box - This means collect all of your self-care practices (list them if you want) and mentally put them into a "tool box". We are going to call this the self-care tool-box. And what do you put inside? All the self-care practices that make you feel good/healed/loved/sane go into that tool box. Then when you are in crisis, you'll dip into your tool box and use something in that moment that diffuses the situation.
Then the question of "What should I prescribe today"? becomes a very easy question to answer.
Mary The Medium Fav Quotes:
"Transform your energy into white light".
"Universal gift that is given from the Universe & THAT'S your Intuition. Use it".
G is for Gratitude! :
"Gratitude raises vibration immensely and it's starts the day".
"We are all working for the Universe, the higher good".
More deliciousness from Gabby:
"Zip Up"!
"Ground yourself and ask for the angels to protect you and then zip it up!"
"Then thank your angels for protecting you".
My thoughts: Think Harry Potter here, think Invisible Cloak and zip that shit up! Ground yourself and protect your energy, your light.
"If you feel that you are actually feeling other people's energies that you don't like, simply ask your guides (because we all have them) to take it away".
"Own your new role because this is your path". --- Fav!
"Only call on guides for the highest truth of compassion".
"Find someone who is going to fly with you". --- Love this for finding love with a partner
"You're in charge of finding your guides"
3 Tips To Expand into Mediumship:
- Take a class to train.
- Do a meditation meet n greet to meet your guides and put a chair out for them too.
- Post your question at the top of the page and pour out automatic writing that Divine is giving to you. Get clear on your voice vs. theirs. Have confidence that you can hear the spirits.
"If it's not positive - throw it out - it's not from your guides if it's negative". --- A good one to keep in mind!
To release toxins: Salt Baths - I LOOOOOOVE salt baths!! Buy Epsom salts at any local drug store
"Honor the feelings not the memories". --- Insightful!
"Releasing doesn't happen overnight". --- A reminder!!
"It will continue to rear it's ugly head and then you have to feel it again and dismember it". --- Fav!
Nancy Levin Fav Quotes:
"No gold star will ever be enough when we are trying to fill a deep void". --- Fav!
"Attaching your worth to someone else's wagon is what you don't want to do". ---Fav!
"What's coming for you won't bypass you. It's meant for you". ---So Fav!
"If you don't feel your story, your audience won't either".
"In reference to owning your story, you need to feel it all over again each time you speak about your story".
For all you coaches out there:
- Stay in the listening
- Be curious
- Let go of your own agenda. Let go of thinking you know what's best for your client.
Identity Suicide:
- Who am I if i'm not my disease, my job, my husband, my wife, my business, my family, my...
- The shift needs to happen in the way that you are holding back limiting beliefs not receiving them
Me: "Don't fight your transition, let it all unfold".
"Have patience, and lots of it".
"Limiting beliefs need to be re-vamped and then take action". ---Fav!
"Manifesting is about choice + action equals vision/desire".
"What's in your way is something from your past that at the time served you but now is self-sabotaging you and what you presently want". --- Fav!
"You serve to the place that the person wants to get to rather then shrinking to them". - wow powerful
"Just decide".
"Remove resistance around what you are worth". - So wise
"To have a quantum shift you have to release your resistance to money you deserve and are worthy to receive".
Dark Shadows:
"Discomfort is a reminder of what we need to heal - be grateful for this". - I adore this so much!
SJMC LIVE: Sunday:
"When you feel abundance you receive abundance. Choose this vibration. Feel it. Miracles".
"When you are in the vibration of abundance, it won't feel like work". -- Yes!
Appreciation Game:
"When you're in a space of lack your job is to dwell in an energy that is abundant".
"When I feel abundant/abundance finds me". -- Double yeah!
"In that worthiness, we will receive".
"The law that what you put out is what you will get back".
"What vibrationally feels good to you"? (And be unapologetic)
"Make sure your ego isn't involved".
"Vibrate higher".
Fear or Love - Choose moment to moment
- Nightly
- Jot down miracle moments
- Jot down everything that's working
- Read it in the a.m.
"You sleep in that frequency". -- Love everything about this -- and I love gratitude journaling.
"You are only here to teach love".
How to be led by the Universe:
"Spirit, how would you move through me today"?
If you are stuck:
"Thank you for showing me creative ways to abundance".
"Stuck vibration is not the frequency".
"Invite your audience to be part of your message".
Did you know I wasn't even supposed to go to Spirit Junkie Masterclass Level 1 2017 (again)? I had already done the training back in 2014, so when the emails about it came out I was like eff that - I already did that. Why would I pay money to do this again? So I didn't sign up or enroll.
Then literally 1 week before Masterclass, I was chatting with my friend Tara and I casually said, maybe I should do it again because I am in such a different place then where I was in 2014. She's like girl I think there is one ticket left you should do it. I thought to myself that ticket is gonna be MINE. And I literally enrolled via cell phone while walking to an appointment. I couldn't even wait to get to the appointment to tackle it, I had to stop on the street break out my credit card and sign up. That ticket was gonna be mine I was SURE of it. And once I enrolled I said to myself because I know how valuable these trainings are for me - "Easiest money ever spent"!
And that's how I ended up at LIVE Level 1 for a second round. Now I knew even before my second round of Level 1, that I was already READY for Level 2. So level two is happening! I enrolled right after round two of Level 1. When you are sure, your body just knows it.
Now I wasn't ready for level two directly after the first level 1 back in 2014. I found it really emotional and needed to break through those blocks before I continued on my journey and now here we are. I want you to know that if you feel called to do something like a training like this, LISTEN. Because it's ALL worth it.
Maybe I'll see you at Level 2 in October 2017. Maybe you'll want to do the digital program or the next LIVE in NYC 2018. Whatever it is, I'm happy we are on this journey together.
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