Jordan Younger's book Breaking Vegan is one of those books that makes you realize you are not alone. And the ultimate take-away from this book is that it makes you realize you can heal too, even if you have a different diet or healing journey.
Do you know Jordan Younger? The gut-healing Lyme warrior, plant-based superstar, recipe developer of yum, & spiritual podcast host? She is also the author of Breaking Vegan: One Woman's Journey from veganism, extreme dieting, and orthorexia to a more balanced life. And the creator of The Balanced Blonde Blog (formally known as The Blonde Vegan if you remember that far back).
Breaking Vegan is a must-read that is a combination of her real-life survival stories, her Orthorexia story, illness stories, healing stories, delish recipes, diagnoses, mindfulness techniques for optimal life, and so much nutrition education on whole foods any wellness junkie would devour.
Maybe I'm biased because I had been following Jordan on her recipe app and blog for years prior to her book release, but I have to say I adore her work. And because I adore Jordan's work I clearly need to tell you about it. You need to know the work and the voice behind the book: Breaking Vegan.
The girl that struggled through her twenties and even earlier.
The girl that started baking and showing up for her vegan community because the vegan lifestyle made her feel whole and nourished.
Down to the day that Jordan's life fell apart because she simply needed to change her diet for the sake of her body.
This is a book where you will feel a genuine connection to the writer. Since I had been following her for a while it was a no-brainer. Whether it's nutrition or chronic illness inspiration you'll fully feel fueled by positivity in some way.
Whether it's the diets Jordan does for her body and how she teaches us all to follow suit or the foods she omits because of Leaky Gut healing, SIBO, Jordan is on board for her personal healing and personally helping other's heal.
Jordan is real and genuine, something you don't often find. If you ever meet her IRL (in real life), you would agree. I am always greeted with hugs. And when it comes to meeting a teacher, a guru, a hero, a soul sister, a blogger or someone you admire and look up to, you'll always want to know that back story. How it started, how she overcame it all and what she did in-between to survive.
Seeing others heal is the greatest form of hope. And this book Breaking Vegan is just that.
Guess what? You get the entire story here so if you like backstories and struggle stories with inspiration and actual tips to help you dig yourself out of whatever hole you are in, then this book is for you!
You don't have to be plant-based or vegan to enjoy this book. I'm not and I'm still inspired daily by this lovely soul because I can relate, and I feel her story as if it was mine, because it's not her story that you own, it's the energy you feel and recognize as your own.
And then I think, well if Jordan can do it...
And that is how that tiny miracle gets planted. The "maybe I can heal too."
At the time of Jordan's book launch, I had well over 40 food sensitivities and the only thing I could even dream of having at Gingersnaps Organics was an Aloe Water. And so I had an Aloe Water. I learned ahead of time through my own personal healing journey that sometimes it's about the experience and not what you can and cannot eat. I came prepared because I so wanted to bask in the healing energy.
So here's what I like about the book Breaking Vegan, by Jordan Younger:
- It's such an easy effortless read, even though it is a deep read
- You'll relate
- Jordan offers so many mindfulness techniques to help you heal and take healing into your own hands and work with your doctor
- The book will inspire you and make you feel good while helping you heal with whole foods and mindset
- Jordan takes you through her life in chronological order. Exactly when her health issues began, and triggers
- How to make healing fun
- When she made the switch to healthier foods
- How she learned to love her body
- When she fell down the rabbit hole of Orthorexia
- When she recognized it and brought awareness to it down to going viral
- Healing with all types of foods and diets and bringing a body-positive approach to wellness
- Bullying
- Everyday wellness tips
- Moving forward
- Moving backward
- Being stuck
- Moving Forward, again...
- Balance, and everything in between
Some of my favorite recipes from Jordan's book are:
- Healthy Banana Split
- Raw Vegan Peanut Butter Cups
- Green Machine Juice
- Sugar-Free Pumpkin Spice Smoothie
- Flourless Chocolate Muffins
Are you drooling yet?
See? Breaking Vegan book definitely makes wellness and healing fun!
Cassie Thuvan Tran
This is an amazing book review! I have been a fan of Jordan Younger since she first began her blog, once she became The Balanced Blonde, and still now to this day. As a vegan, I can understand the perspective of the people who felt like this was a bit of a slap in the face to veganism and gave this massive backlash. The title in and of itself is a little controversial and a lot of people had to scratch their head wondering why Jordan went straight to an omnivorous diet after juicing for so long. However, this is Jordan's personal journey and how she handles her diet is ultimately up to her. I love how authentic she is and how she isn't afraid to open herself up to any vessel of knowledge and experience!
Hi Cassie, thanks for your input! I think the one thing we all know is that every "body" is different, and each person has the right to choose what is best for their bodies. But thank you for your thoughts. Yess I love Jordan and agree she is super authentic. Happy Sunday!