Our world is changing. Know this. There is more demand for lightworkers to come forward and teach with a realness you cannot acquire without experience. Know this. Perfection is not required. Know this. But your most real authentic self is. Know this. It's why you were born with what you've got. Know this. It's why you're here. You were meant to help lead the way. Know this. Do you feel me?
If you need some high-vibe self-care I invite you to check out some of my favorite healing tools!
Light is the New Black is one of my favorite high vibe inspiring books to read, you'll get through it fast and you'll be nodding your head the whole time.
Archangel Raphael angel cards are my favorite for body self-care and healing. Archangel Raphael is known for healing and love, and I adore him to help me heal. He really guides the way. Out of all the angel cards, I think it is easiest to work with Archangel Raphael, his messages are really clear.
When you start eating better for your body, your body becomes more and more high-vibe! I'm not saying become a vegan but I am saying take a look at what you are putting into your body. Eat more live veggies and fruits. Eat more plants. Healthy proteins. Know where your food comes from, and check out my favorite Cancer wellness warrior Kris Carr with her book Crazy, Sexy Diet. Best read ever!
I hope you love these options for a higher vibrational life!
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