Have you ever noticed that when you hang around with people who belittle, berate, are mean, are unkind, aren't considerate, or empathic, or even happy that you literally become sad? You feel off. It's weird energy, you just assume you are in a bad mood. And sometimes you just can't shake that mood. Your vibe feels so messed with, and how do you say? As Taylor Swift says, "Shake it off"! But how?!!
That's energy.
That's also YOU vibrating on lower energies because you are around lower energies. And if you don't know how to shield yourself from the backlash, you're going to feel this low vibration strongly.
On the flip side:
Have you ever noticed when you hang around happy people you want to feel happy? You want to feel that beautiful vibration or you want to know how that person is so happy, and how can you get that way too?
Have you ever noticed when you hang around like-minded people you are often incredibly inspired?
That's energy.
That's frequency.
Where do you vibrate? And what frequency are you tuned into?
Have you ever noticed when you go to a work event or an entrepreneurial event or even a course or training and you feel beyond elevated? Ridiculously inspired! You can do anything kind of energy?!
That's high vibe frequency.
If this is your first introduction to vibration and frequency, I welcome you. I welcome you to learn how to teach yourself to choose how you want to vibrate and choose how you are going to protect your energy. I welcome you, like really welcome you to understand that vibration is a choice, and if you want to tune into a different frequency or higher vibration there is nothing wrong with that!
What vibration are you at now? And how far up on the scale of frequency do you want to go? Journal out these questions, riff with yourself. Chat about how you want to show up, and how you want to feel. That's the first step to making the changes you are dying to make!
High-vibe frequency will propel you.
Low-vibe frequency will keep you stuck.
Where do you stand? And where do you want to be?
Some of the best ways to tune in are through inspiration. Check out some of mine below that totally rocked my vibration and frequency. You see in order to change my frequency and vibration I first had to recognize where I was on the spectrum, not where I thought I was, where I really was.
Then I had to take responsibility for getting into this lower vibration, and staying stuck, as well as staying close to people who did NOT feel like sunshine. I was responsible for where I was. That's work. And by doing that work, I was able to choose again.
Some of my go-to high-vibration inspo is:
My go-to mixes on Spotify
Gabby Bernstein's The Universe Has Your Back book
Rebecca Campbell's Light is The New Black book
Gabby Bernstein's Miracles Now Positive Affirmation Deck
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