Hey loves!
It's time to show up for yourself! You have all the answers you need, and nothing more.
Step forth into this world with curiosity and the knowing that everything you need is right inside.
There is no key needed here. No special password.
Just your faith and your willingness to see something different. To see that YOU have all the answers you need. You need not seek forth anymore. Because you know, deep down you know the answer. And if you don't your body certainly has an idea.
Start to get to know what triggers your body, and what makes it feel good. Start there. Take the magic from within and create sparkles everyone can see so they can heal too. It's all about energy baby, and you've got it!
Learning you've got it and taking guided action will propel everything forward in every aspect of your life. This is a gift. I want you to have it.
I know, I know - It's not the answer you were looking for, but it's the answer that will propel you. And I know, I know - you'll start tomorrow right? This weekend? Next year? Tomorrow? Eff tomorrow, start today. Let this serve as your muse and go out there and plant the seeds you want so you can build a life you love!
It's Spring! You can literally plant seeds now. You plant seeds and you show up. That's it, that's the answer you've been waiting for!
Now that you have the answer how are you going to proceed?
P.S. One of my favorite books to change perspective is the one and only A Course in Miracles. It's a 365-day book course that retrains your mind to see differently by reading one page a day. It's magical!!
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