Transcending, transition and The In-Between are all the same as the feeling of being in limbo. You're not here, and you're not there. You are in "The In-Between". And The In-Between is actually the most important part. It's the reason you transform from the caterpillar into the butterfly.
So take these seemingly small steps and declare them as catastrophically big and amazing changes that are leading you to spread your wings and fly. Get it?
You need to live that caterpillar life so you appreciate the butterfly you become, otherwise, you'll never be able to recognize your own transformation. You see, you were never not the butterfly, it was always within you. You just had to find it and put the change you wanted to create in motion. That is The In-Between where you haven't necessarily seen all the big results yet so you think they are not there or haven't happened yet, or never will. Just remember each day of a caterpillar's life brings them one step closer toward their inner and outer butterfly.
This does not mean you need to live a bad life or live in darkness first in order to see the light. But you do have to learn your lessons through your own journey in order to make changes that positively benefit your mindset.
So transcend, transition, and in-between away!
Mad props to you for giving your ego the back seat and choosing to start to understand or see how to live in the light. Wherever you are, you are doing great! Do not forget that.
The actual quote is from Parita Shah Healing
Artwork by moi
Wanna smile while going through this time?
I have two favorite books for exactly this feeling!!
- Light is the New Black by Rebecca Campbell (it looks big, but so much of it is quotes and inspiring words you'll breeze right through it, and you'll be left feeling magnetic.
- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho - the book is small, but it is filled with the most wisdom, and very easy to read.
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